The Vancouver Stock Exchanges 1999-2000 Board of
Governors was elected on April 23, 1999, at the Board of Governors meeting that followed
the VSEs Annual General Meeting.
The Executive Committee officers of the VSE Board of Governors are:
Chair Roslyn Kunin, public governor; Vice Chair Gord Medland, Goepel McDermid Inc.;
Honourary Secretary-Treasurer Dennis Burdett, Canaccord Capital Corporation; and VSE
President and CEO Michael Johnson. The Executive Committee also includes: Brian Bassett,
Canadian Western Capital Ltd.; Doris Bradstreet Daughney, public governor; Harry Jaako;
public governor; Chris Lay, CIBC World Markets Inc.; Larry McQuid, Pacific International
Securities Inc.; and Norm Thompson Jr., Union Securities Ltd.
Board members include: Brian Ashton, Georgia Pacific Securities Corp.;
Fabio Banducci, Haywood Securities Inc.; Barbara Brink, public governor; Jamie Bruce, TD
Securities Inc., Ken Hanna, public governor; and John McCoach, Yorkton Securities Inc.