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Canadian Venture Exchange
List of Participating Organizations
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<%if sSiteSection = "Investing" then%> Information for investors of CDNX-listed companiesInformation for investors of CDNX-listed companies<%else%>Information for investors of CDNX-listed companiesInformation for investors of CDNX-listed companies<%end if%>
<%if sSiteSection = "Listing" then%> Information on listing your company on CDNXInformation on listing your company on CDNX<%else%>Information on listing your company on CDNXInformation on listing your company on CDNX<%end if%>
<%if sSiteSection = "About" then%> Information on the Canadian Venture Exchange, including careersInformation on the Canadian Venture Exchange, including careers<%else%>Information on the Canadian Venture Exchange, including careersInformation on the Canadian Venture Exchange, including careers<%end if%>
<%if sSiteSection = "Members" then%> Information FOR and ABOUT our Member FirmsInformation FOR and ABOUT our Member Firms<%else%>Information FOR and ABOUT our Member FirmsInformation FOR and ABOUT our Member Firms<%end if%>
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   Participating Organizations

A Participating Organization is defined as a company who has trading access to the facilities of the Exchange.




Web and Email Links
Brant Securities Limited
Suite 50, Box 6
70 UniversityAvenue
Toronto, Ontario   M5J 2M4
(71) (416) 596-4545
(416) 596-4546
Leaving CDNX...
Burgeonvest Securities Limited
21 King Street West
Suite 1100
Hamilton, Ontario   L8P 4W7
(56) (905) 528-6505
(905) 528-3540
Leaving CDNX...
Charles Schwab Canada, Co.
Suite 800
207 Queen's Quay West
Toronto, Ontario   M5J 1A7


(416) 359-1900
(416) 359-1901

Leaving CDNX...

Commission Direct Inc.
1010 - 121 King Street West
PO Box 11
Toronto, Ontario   M5H 3T9
(26) (416) 842-4200
(416) 842-4210
Leaving CDNX....
Desjardins Securities Inc.
2 Complexe Desjardins
Tour de l'Est, 15th Floor
C.P. 394, succ. Dejardins
Montréal, Québec  H5B 1J2
(19) (514) 987-1749
(514) 842-3137
KPLV Securities Inc.
100 Alexis Nihon Boulevard
Suite 595
St-Laurent, Québec   H4N 2P5
(157) (514) 855-9837
(514) 866-0145
Leaving CDNX....
Laurentian Bank Securities Inc.
Suite 100
1981 McGill College Avenue
Montréal, Québec  H3A 3A7
(48) (514) 350-2800
(514) 350-2899

MacDougall MacDougall & MacTier Inc.
Place du Canada, Suite 2000
1010 de la Gaucheti
ère West
Montréal, Québec  H3B 4J1
(37) (514) 394-3000
(514) 871-1481
Leaving CDNX....
National Bank Discount Brokerage Inc.
1100 University Street
7th Floor
Montréal, Québec   H3B 2G7


(514) 394-6900
(514) 394-6298
Norstar Securities International Inc.
55 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario  M5E 1J5
(40) (416) 361-3031
(416) 361-1754
Penson Financial Services Canada Inc.
Suite 1201
360 St-Jacques Street West
Montréal, Québec   H2Y 1P5


(514) 841-9665
(514) 841-9700
Pollitt & Co. Inc.
26 King Street West
Suite 1101
PO Box 94, Commerce Court North
Toronto, Ontario   M5L 1B9
(92) (416) 365-3313
(416) 368-0141
Pope & Company
15 Duncan Street
Toronto, Ontario   M5H 3P9
(66) (416) 593-5535
(416) 593-5099

Refco Futures (Canada) Ltd.
BCE Place, Suite 3630
PO Box 702
161 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario   M5J 2S1
(60) (416) 862-7000
(416) 861-0576
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Last updated: December 21, 2001
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Canadian Venture Exchange

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